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important sites

These pages contain resources and website addresses for further reading. It is not exhaustive and is a personal choice of the authors. But it is a start. We cannot be sure that the addresses will not change but most are of established organizations and should be there for some time. As things change so rapidly on the Earth, the data in this book may well date quickly and we recommend that you look at more recent data if necessary. Many university websites contain lecture notes and presentations on topics in this book. Happy reading.







  1. Belgian non-profit organization, aims to bring complex scientific  consensus reports on health and the environment to the reach of non-specialists



  2. Online database maintained by the World Resources Institute



  3. The CIA World Fact Book with detailed facts about the world and countries                               



  4. Links to updates on environmental issues as do daily newspaper and other media channel websites                        



  5. Comprehensive resource for objective, science-based information about the environment. Includes the Encyclopaedia of the Earth



  6. A huge site from the US space agency, Earth sections are full of data, photos are fantastic



  7. UK weekly science magazine with reputable articles and reviews, eg on climate change, seas, biodiversity



  8. A US federal agency, full of info on climate, oceans and coasts


  9. Global review and internet gateway with very readable articles on many topics



  10. UN Environment Programme                                                       



  11. UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere programme



  12. A 35-year-old research organization that reports on global environmental events



  13. A 25-year-old environmental think-tank with great articles and publications about the state of the Earth                                                   


  14. International research organization based in Austria



  15. Oxfam International – charity and NGO that works around the world



  16. Friends of the Earth International – a large grassroots organization with 2 million members



  17. Greenpeace International – a global campaigning NGO


  18. A dictionary of units of measurement



  19. International civil society network with the aim of building a more just society



  20. Various statistics on a range of topics​


  21. Global population statistics and carbon emissions



  22. Games and simulations for variuos topics



  23. Debunking anti-environmental myths pages – a good read



  24. Council of the EU



  25. Some Power points for Unit 1 and 2 revision



Worldviews and environmental philosophies


  26. Stanford University



  27. Ideas for a better future



  28. online database for 1.8 million named organisms on Earth





  29. Links to hundreds of environmental sites



  30. The GLOBE programme coordinates hands-on science projects between schools around the world



  31. US Environment Protection Agency



  32. Has some good links



  33. All things environmental. Put ‘ecology lecture notes’ into your search engine to find university course notes.





  34. Worldwide Fund for Nature main site



  35. IUCN main site



  36. The entry point to the IUCN Red Lists of endangered species



  37. Encyclopaedia of life



  38. Introduction to Evolution 


Climate change


  39. IPCC website with their reports and views



  40. US Environment Protection Agency site



  41. International Energy Agency offshoot




Human populations


  42. UN Population Fund, international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity



  43. UN Economic and Social Affairs Department searchable population database



  44. US government census site with dynamic population pyramids



  45. World population clock



  46. UN Development Programme Millennium Development Goals





  47. Dedicated to building a sustainable future



  48. International Institute for Sustainable Development




Ecological footprints


  49. Ecological footprint calculator



  50. Carbon footprint calculator



  51. Simple calculator



Energy resources


  52. British Petroleum site, one of the world’s largest energy providers. BP reports are full of information



  53. Another big energy company with some renewable information on the site


Water resources


  54. Global review and internet gateway with very readable articles on many topics



  55. Find practical solutions to water issues



  56. Water resources booklets



  57. International, multi-stakeholder platform for water issues                                            




Soil resources


  58. Soil made exciting by NASA again



  59. Just what it says



Food resources


  60. UN Food and Agriculture Organization database



  61. If you care about whales



  62. International Food Policy Research Institute – good on food as well             





  63. Cambridge University ozone hole tour: very informative



  64. Everything you need to know about recycling plastics



  65. UK solid waste site full of facts on waste disposal



  66. Photo chemical smog


  67. Water pollution from Michigan University




Research Sources


​General Sites for Human Impact

​  68BBC News: Studies 'overstate species risks'

  • ​Large-scale computer simulations may be overestimating the impact of climate change often failing to take into account local variations, such as topography and microclimates. One study looked at plant species in the Swiss Alps. Where a 16km by 16km grid cells predicted a loss of all suitable habitats during the 21st Century, and a 25m by 25m grid cells predicted the persistence of suitable habitats for up to 100% of plant species. The current system of having fixed nature reserves may need to be reconsidered Dr Bhagwat explained.


  69. Bioscience Challenges

  • Part of the site, this section provides discussion and peer reviews of seven topical aspects of current science. Including up-to-date and relevant news.

  70. Richard Black's Environment Blog
A blog from one of the UK's most respected environmental correspondents. The very latest commentary on environmental issues.


  71. NOAA Gulf Spill Restoration
NOAA has more than twenty years of experience restoring wildlife and habitats impacted by oil spills, hazardous waste sites and vessel groundings.

An official website of the US Government providing updates and information on the environmental issues and restoration efforts following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

  73. BBC News: Natural gas 'jump started' breakdown of Gulf oil
Bacteria breaking down oil from the Gulf of Mexico leak have been fuelled by natural gas in the water, a study suggests.

  74. Web Portion of Student Activities
Six lessons on various chemicals and their effect.


  75. BBC News: Study shows variability in ocean's CO2 uptake
There are substantial variations in the amount of carbon being absorbed by the North Atlantic Ocean, a study shows.

  76. Chernobyl Assessment Project
This site looks at the international Chernobyl project. Includes radiation exposure, the health situation, measures to protect the population, environmental contamination, radiation and its biological effects.

  77. Pollution Online
A site for professionals and vendors in the pollution equipment and pollution control industries. Provides news on current pollution issues.

  78. Toxic Substances
Provides detailed information, by selecting a chemical or substance from an alphabetical list, on the effects of hazardous substances on the health of human populations.

  79. US EPA Student Center
Hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States, this sites provides good information on pollution by clicking on their links: Air, Water, and Waste recycling.

Global Warming

  80. BBC News: Past climate anomalies explained
Unusually warm and cold periods in Earth's pre-industrial climate history are linked to how the oceans responded to temperature changes, say scientists.

  81. BBC News: Earth 'heading for 6C' of warming
Average global temperatures are on course to rise by up to 6C without urgent action to curb CO2 emissions, the lead author of a new analysis says.

  82. BBC News: Major sea level rise likely as Antarctic ice melts
Sea levels are likely to rise by about 1.4m (4ft 6in) globally by 2100 as polar ice melts, according to a major review of climate change in Antarctica.

  83. BBC: 'Acidifying oceans' threaten food supply, UK warns
Acidification of the oceans is a major threat to marine life and humanity's food supply, Hilary Benn has warned as the UN climate summit resumes.

  84. BBC News: Methane release 'looks stronger'
Scientists have uncovered a further apparent increase in the leakage of methane gas that is seeping from the Arctic seabed.

  85. AMAP - the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme
AMAP is an international organization established in 1991 to implement components of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS).

  86. BBC NEWS: Trees advance in a warming world
Trees around the world are colonising new territories in response to higher temperatures. From the US to northern Siberia, trees are growing at higher elevations, and at higher latitudes as the climate warms.

  87. BBC NEWS: Doctors warn on climate failure
Writing in The Lancet and the British Medical Journal 18 professional medical organisations say failure to agree a new UN climate deal in December will bring a "global health catastrophe". But it acknowledges some huge gaps in the research, "almost no reliable data for heatwave-induced mortality exist in Africa or south Asia". Preparatory talks have been plagued by lack of agreement on how much to cut greenhouse gas emissions and how to finance climate protection for the poorest countries.

  88. BBC News: Japan promises big climate change cut
Japan's next leader has promised a big cut in greenhouse gas emissions, saying he will aim for a 25% reduction by 2020 compared with 1990 levels. With such a target, Japan will take on the leadership role that industrialised countries have agreed to take in climate change abatement.

  89. BBC News: Species climbing to new heights
Conservationists suspect climate change has allowed warmth-loving creatures - including snakes and dragonflies - to move into new regions.

  90. BBC News: Rainforest is worth more standing
The aim was to find out if protection of the forests could be as profitable as palm oil. Under Redd, oil palm companies could be called on to protect the forested areas they own, and sell "carbon credits" for the amount of carbon contained in that forest.

  91. BBC News: Acidic seas fuel extinction fears
Carbon dioxide emissions from modern society are turning the ocean more acidic and some sea creatures are already suffering, according to research to be discussed at a major global science conference.

  92. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
From the CDIAC site, this page deals with frequently asked questions about global change.

  93. Climate Change Programme - WWF
This site provides climate change information that affects us all. Includes the problems, solutions, publications, photo gallery and latest news items.

  94. Earth Observatory: Global Warming
A NASA site, this article provides excellent information on the causes, effects and expected results of global warming. From an impartial view point, best and worst case scenarios are discussed.

  95. Environment Australia Online
From the Erin navigator, access the site concerned with AIR, or search for greenhouse from the thesaurus to access a number of sites concerned with global warming issues.

  96. Global Warming
A major site investigating scientific, environmental, social and political issuers surrounding global warming.

  97. Climate Science at the Met Office
Part of the Met Office, this site provides a focus in the United Kingdom for the scientific issues associated with climate change.

  98. NASA's Changing Global Land Surface
Explores the effects the greenhouse has on environment. Includes, the carbon cycle, global warming, the impact on vegetation and glaciers with examples from satellite images.

  99. The EPA Global Warming Site
An extensive site on the Greenhouse Effect (global warming), investigating: the climate system, environmental impact, and the actions that can be taken to avert problems.

  100. The Earth Observatory
Focusing on Earth's climate and environmental change, NASA's Earth Observatory provides freely-accessible publications on the internet where the public can obtain satellite imagery and scientific information.

  101. The Greenhouse Effect: Information sheet
Part of Atmospheric research at CSIRO, this site provides a factsheet on the greenhouse gases. Includes likely changes to global climate with specific examples for Australia.

Ozone Depletion

  102. BBC News: Technique to trace persistent CFCs
Ultrafine measurements of atmospheric gases could help track down persistent sources of CFCs thought to be slowing the recovery of the ozone layer.

  103. Ozone Depletion Resource Center
This resource provides quick access to specific information on ozone depletion. Has information for the general public, business, conferences, forums and other events.

Ozone in the Polar Stratosphere
NOAA monitors the conditions and ozone amounts in the stratosphere. Contains graphs and data on the ozone hole, and links to other related sites.

Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
Explains the role of ozone in the stratosphere, and examine projects which deal with the diminishing ozone layer.

The Ozone Hole Tour
Part of the University of Cambridge, this site looks at the discovery of the ozone hole, what's happening over Antarctica, and the latest research.

The Ozone we breathe
This site deals with ozone formation both in upper atmosphere and lower, and the causes and effects of Ozone concentration on humans, ecosystems and the world climate.

The Science of Ozone Depletion
Looks at the science of stratospheric ozone depletion, what it is, why is it there, how big is it, hosted by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The Size and Depth of the Ozone Hole
Part of EPA's Ozone Information, this site examines five graphs which have been plotted from use of various measurements used to characterise the ozone hole, and gives a brief description about each.

TOMS: Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
Looks at ozone readings for Northern and Southern hemispheres. You can also determine global averages and the ozone reading over your house. Under the topic multimedia: Antarctic Ozone Hole, you see the changes of the ozone hole from 1979 to 1997.

What is a Dobson Unit?
Part of TOMS website, explains what a dobson unit is and how it measures ozone.

Recycling and Waste Management

  112. A-Z of Recycling
This UK site looks at a variety of materials that can be recycled.

Environment Agency - Waste
Learn all about waste management issues, types of waste, ways to minimise waste, includes other resources and information.

How MWRA Sewer System Works
Learn more about how the sewage treatment on Deer Island works.

Municipial Solid Waste - Basic Facts
From the EPA website, this student friendly site contains some basic facts about waste, how to reduce, reuse and recycle materials in and around the home and community.

Steel Recycling Institute
This website promotes and sustains the recycling of all steel products. Includes fact sheets, recycling database, a kids site, and local places where you can recycle your steel.

The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide
This information is aimed at everyday people to make recycling so easy that it blends into the flow of everyday.


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